Pumas Seattle Offer a Soccer Clinic with a World Class Prof. Pablo Calderon at a affordable price.


Prof. Pablo Calderon was a coaching staff of The Argentinial Olimpic Team in Rio 2016, and Woman's National Team in the Pan American Games in Toronto, Canada among other Argentinian National Teams. He was a profesional soccer player with experience in Brasil, Spain. 

To register pls click the REGISTRATION botton at the top of the home page and fill out the registration request. 

6  to 13 years old. Pumas Seattle Players $100.00 four days or $30.00 a day.

                                      Others             $150.00 for four days or 40.00 a day. 


Perfecting Clinic

13-16 yeras old Pumas Seattle Players. $50.00 both days  or $30.00 a day

others $70.00 both days or $40.00 a day. 


Thank you ans see you on the field. 

Historia de Pumas Seattle, Escuela de Futbol Filial de PUMAS.